Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 5 Docs Sept 23rd

Hi all,
Below are the documents for this week, including the writing/editing handouts from Tuesday's Writer's Workshop.

Week 5 Agenda
Weekly Schedule
Editing Notes
Writing Notes/Requirements

Also, please comment with a link to your online infographic if that is what your assignment is from last week.  If we could have people comment on the inforgraphics in the comments sections, that would be great!

Cheers and we have a great trip coming up next week!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 4 Reading Blogs Due Tuesday 9-24

Post the link to your blog in the comments

In your blog include:
Name of the Book and Author
Type of book
Overall Review of the book 
Your next book

Post at least five comments on your classmate's blogs.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Post Week 3 Book Responses here! DUE 9-17 MIDNIGHT

Hi all,

Please post your book responses for the books you read during Week 3 (Sept 9-11).  BE SURE TO POST THE LINK TO YOUR POST ONLY, NOT THE ENTIRE BLOG.  ASK FOR HELP IF YOU NEED IT!

-  Title in italics and Author's name.  Most first letters in words of titles of books are capitalized
-  Genre, pages, reading level (easy-hard)
-  Give a brief synopsis of the book
-  Give your response to the book (did you like it or not and WHY?)
-  Next book on your list
-  Comment on five classmate's blogs

Happy Reading!

Max Maclay

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weeks 2 and 3 Documents

Hi all,

Here is a link to documents (Agendas, worksheets, etc), on Google.docs, for weeks 2 and 3.  Let me know if this works out for you or if you have a better idea.


From my initial check, it looks like formatting might get a little messy, especially for the agenda, but it should be good enough.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Week 2 Book Responses - Post by Mon Sept 9th 8:25 AM

Hello all,

Great start and comments on our first blogging/reading community attempt.

For this week:
1.  Read a book!
2.  Post the link to your blog in the comments section below this post.  Click on the title of your blog post and then copy and paste that link, not just the general link to your overall blog. Ask Max or Kam if you're unsure what this means.
3.  In your blog post, include: book title and author you read and a solid paragraph reviewing the book,  Please include the genre, relative ease of reading, and what type of reader you think would enjoy the book most.  Also include a little about the plot without giving too much away.  Relating it to books you've already read is a great way for others to get a "feel" for a book and if it would be good for them to read.  ALSO - Include your To Be Read List (TBR) and what you plan to read next week (September 9-13) on the same post.
4.  Preview your blog!  Read it aloud and look for errors and fix them before you post (and after if that's what you catch them).
5.  Read your classmate's blogs as they get posted and leave at least five comments on their blogs by next Wednesday (9-11).  Do not leave comments for them on this blog, unless you can't leave comments for some reason on their blog.
6.  Feel free to play with your own blog format.  See what other's have done and find out how they did it.  Try to include an image of the book.  Please do not post copyrighted pictures on your blog!  An image of the book is almost always okay, but using pictures from the net that others have taken and not put in the public domain are not.  We will talk about this in class more.

Cheers and happy reading and blogging!

Max and Kam