Sunday, March 16, 2014

SOLSC 16 of 31 - Max and Kam's Class

Click HERE to Read Slices of Life from other classes.
Find the links in the comments at the bottom of the page.

Welcome to Day 16! Please click on the links in the comments below to find slices on my students' blogs.  Check back if it's early in the day, or read slices from yesterday's post, since students have all day to link up.

<a href="url">text</a>

Ideas for future Slices.
- What songs are related to slices of your life? See Max's Post Here for an example.
- Write about a dream like Kam Does Here
- Write about being halfway done with the challenge!



  2. Replies
    1. I noticed that too Theo when I copied and pasted it for Monday. First mistake ever! :)
